Recent Events

Australia Day Salute, 26 January 2024

9th Regiment fired this year’s Australia Day salute at Milsons Point

Anzac Lunch 14 April 2024

14 Association members attended the annual Anzac Lunch held at Chatswood RSL. A great way to catch up with old friends in an informal setting.

Regimental Annual Reunion 10 November 2023

The Association held its Annual Reunion at the Roseville Memorial Club on Friday, 10 November 2023.

This was a one-off change of venue as our usual venue, Chatswood RSL was undergoing extensive renovations of the functions area.

19 members and 3 guests attended for what was an enjoyable evening.

The guest speaker for the evening was LT COL Philip Wong, CO of 9th Regiment RAA who gave an update of the Regiment’s activities over the past 12 months and an insight to where the regiment is headed over the next 12 months.

Anzac Day March 2024

The Association marched in this year’s Anzac Day march in the city.  This year’s march saw a fine day with approximately 50 people marching behind the Associations’ banner

This was followed by the Annual Reunion held this year at The Combined Services Club, Barracks Bistro, Barrack Street in the city.